Philadelphia Makes Millions From Property Seizure
Property Seizure Laws in Philadelphia The District Attorney’s office uses the Pennsylvania Drug Act – 42 Pa.C.S. Sec. 6801 – to...

Community Accountability Program (CAP) – Bucks County
The Community Accountability Program, also known as CAP, is a pre-trial diversion program in Bucks County. It is the first of its kind to...

Law Office of Michael F. Niznik Awarded As One Of The 10 Best Firms In Pennsylvania For Client Satis
We are happy to announce that the Law Office of Michael F. Niznik has been awarded as one of the 10 Best Criminal Defense Firms in...

Traffic Points in Pennsylvania
6 or More Points – First Time As many of you know, the Pennsylvania traffic code penalizes certain driving offenses using a point system....

New Record Sealing Law in Pennsylvania: What You Need to Know
On November 14, 2016, a new law takes effect in Pennsylvania which allows certain criminal convictions to be permanently sealed. This law...

Firearm Ban Loosened For Those Convicted Of Minor Crimes
Federal law prohibits firearm possession by anyone convicted of a “crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.” 18...

Court Bans DEA from Prosecuting Medical Marijuana Cases
In a biting decision, a California Federal Court recently ruled that the Drug Enforcement Administration’s interpretation of a medical...
The Supreme Court just changed DUI laws across the country: Birchfield v. North Dakota.
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court decided a trio of cases collectively referred to as Birchfield v. North Dakota (136 S. Ct. 2160). I...
Upcoming vote to abolish the Philadelphia Traffic Court will not change the current Traffic Court sy
On April 26, 2016, voters across Pennsylvania will be given the opportunity to vote to abolish the Philadelphia Traffic Court. First...
Beware of Driving on a DUI Suspended License - Carries Mandatory Jail Time if Convicted - 75 Pa.C.S.
If you are caught driving on a suspended license, you will likely be charged with either 1543(a) or 1543(b). Both charges are summary...